Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Epic Fail

So quite obviously I have fallen off the exercise wagon.  There is no room for excuses here, I accept all the blame.  I started working every day with a day or two off everyday and soon enough everything fell by the wayside because the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was workout.
  Well I can honestly say that I paid for it, HUGE.  I received a last minute phone call from the Law Enforcement Agency I am in the process of joining with my date for the physical aptitude test.  I completed it an hour and a half ago and I am extremely humbled.  There was one other female there, and she had taken the test three times previously.  This was her fourth attempt, and I can see why now.  
The test consists of a circuit like this

The RCMP Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE) is an occupational test used to assess a person’s ability to perform the physical demands of police work, namely: running, jumping, climbing stairs, vaulting, lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling.

Station one needs to be done 6 times, with an alternating fall to push up/sit up position after the hurdle before starting a new lap.  Station two is a 70 pound push/pull, consisting of completing 6, 180 degree arcs pushing the weight followed by four additional controlled falls, finished by 6 additional 180 arcs pulling the weight.

These two stations are to be completed within 4 minutes and 45 seconds.  After resting for a minute you then move on to station three which is a controlled carry of 70 pounds 25 metres to a cone and back.

So.... if that doesn't make you want to hurl I don't know what does.

I can honestly say that never in doing all of Jillians videos have I ever felt my throat burn like it did then.  When I was finished ( and for the recored I didn't pass) my throat burned so much that I thought it was bleeding.

I have a lot of work to do before I try again, and I WILL try again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sore, sore, sore

Oh my goodness, I haven't been really noticeably sore for a long long time!  It's mostly in my legs which is where I usually feel it.  Getting through the workout was tough but I managed to get through it.  DH left this morning so I am on my own until Monday...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Ok ok, I know I missed a day.  But I only missed blogging about it I actually did my workout yesterday I just ran out of time to write about it.  It was pretty unremarkable, nothing really huge I was feeling it.  My lovely husband however did get called out for an emergency this morning at the not so lovely hour of 2:30 and didn't arrive home until 7ish.  So I slept in with him until 9:45 and am super tired today, what better way to get over being tired than to...


Thats right folks I actually took the plunge today and moved on up and OMG did I want to die.  You know when you first start level two after moving up from one and you feel like you just want to die, or kill Jillian?  Well that was me, oooh lordy did I want to die.  But I stuck through it, and actually did a combination of both the beginner and advances moves!  Let me tell you, I feel fabulous! Definitely the right move today!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day Six (or 8)

Today is supposed to be day eight, but it is really day six.  Why? Well it was a little bit of struggle this weekend to fit it all in.  I had a bunch of EMS training ( I volunteer on the ambulance crew) for my small community in the middle of nowhere.  I also just spent a lot of quality time in with my hubby as he is going to be gone for 4 days, Thursday to Monday.  I figured I can compensate for losing this past weekend next weekend by working my butt off (literally lol) then.  This coming weekend is also my birthday and I have to say that I am kind of looking forward to spending it with some of my girlfriends having some guilt free me time, and letting hubby have some much needed quality time with our princesses and other family back at home.  I miss them terribly and will be super emotional that I am not there when the weekend actually comes around though...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Five- Turning Point

Well I finally made it to that point, the point at which I found it fun to be doing my workout.  For me this is when I dance during transitions, feel fabulous afterwards, and even add extra things into the workout.  Today I was doing a double push up in the first set and it was great!  I am so looking forward to Yoga Meltdown getting here so I can integrate that into my daily routine.  It should be here on the 11th, two days before my birthday. What an awesome birthday present that will be!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day Four

So, day four.  I changed it up a little this morning by doing my shred first thing.  That worked out pretty well, it was a great feeling to know that I had it out of the way before lunch...
This afternoon I managed to do the first half of 'Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism', even though I only got through the fist half of it I still feel pretty good about it because the workout was way better than what I get when I do 20 minutes or so on the stationary bike.
One of my goals for the next few days/coming weeks is to get DH to help me do some weight bench training, and to get him back in his old morning routine of bike and weights.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day Three...A Change (Already)

So I did it!  I was able to get through Level Two (following a bit of both ladies) with only taking 2 five second breaks.  For me that is huge, especially because of how I have been feeling lately in terms of getting through it without wanting to die.  What did it for me? I muted the sounds on the TV and turned on my favorite workout playlist on my computer.  I am going to play around with it so it works even better for me tomorrow!